FS22 Self-marketing v1.0

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FS22 Self-marketing v1.0

With this pack, you can open your own direct marketing. For this purpose, you can choose between sales houses, of different sizes, as well as vending machines.
Self-marketing means fresh food for customers 24 hours a day and a clear conscience, as they know where the products come from. Freshly stocked, the products are provided to them by the producer without intermediate trade.
For you as producers, this means simple and direct marketing of your own products, which gives you a higher profit but also some additional work.
Depending on which model they choose, they will have different costs and profit opportunities.

The sales houses are available in four different construction methods:
Big, small, as an extension and now also in a big way.
Eggs, milk, potatoes and soya can be sold at all cottages. Additionally it is possible to sell a small amount of wool, cotton, hay and straw at the big one.

Four variants of vending machines are offered now:
Vending machine for milk and eggs, a vending machine for milk, a large and a small milk filling station. There is also a box for selling potatoes.
In addition, three small houses in two different sizes are offered as shelter. In the large building a vending machine can also be placed.

Credits: farmerfivetom
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