FS22 Loma Montana v1.0

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FS22 Loma Montana v1.0

I have great news! If all goes well I plan to release an EARLY Beta test of the map this weekend. Before you get your hopes up too much, realize the map is far from finished, but in the next few days I should have all the terrain complete, the roads will be finished, the bulk of the foliage painted, and all field dimensions done. I will put in a temporary sellpoint and temporary bridges to cross the rivers.

Why would I release such an early version? There are a several reasons, but mainly, I need the fields tested, people making sure I haven’t missed anything with the terrain, the map to be played by lots of different computer systems to see how it performs, and most importantly, I want you to be familiar with the map so you can help with the decisions to come in the future.

Please don’t expect to start a savegame and be able to continue that game for future versions, there will be so much change yet to come that it would break your save. I do not plan to put out 10 versions either. I’m hoping that through this process I can limit the number of versions before the project is completed.

Please also keep in mind that the map will be a shell of the finished product. There are so many details to add that will competely change the feel of it.
What is left you ask? Here are just some of the things that will have a major impact on the map yet to be completed……..

Map boundary terrain (almost done but needs a few tweaks). This is going to be a HUGE part of the feel of the map. You will love it.
The town of Loma. I’m compiling houses to be placed as well as other buildings. The town will have lots of neat detail. This will be a big project in itself.
Custom “staple” buildings. We plan to build the cafe, store, post office, church, the four grain elevators, and a couple other custom structures. It is going to really add to the realism.
Custom signage. This is getting closer thanks to LJR Modding. Go check him out on Facebook. He’s doing great work.
Custom foliage and ground textures. I plan to do a TON in this area, because to me, this can make a map in itself. You will notice that some changes have already been made.
Crops to be added. I plan to add a few other crops that are grown in the area.
Multi-angle terrain.
Several other features that will improve gameplay and immersion.

Thank you again for supporting my work. If this map can prove to be worth my time, I already have three ideas in mind for unique map project that the game has yet to really see. There are only two things that will keep me from continuing to create content. One, if it isn’t worth at least minimum wage by the end of the project (this is the deal I have with my wife) and, two, if the project is leaked. Please respect the time I have already invested and do not share the map with anyone or anywhere.
I am excited to introduce you to the map and look forward to your feedback! I will have more details soon.

Credits: No Creek Farms
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