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FS 17 Maps


new PDA created (thanks to Henry from the Simu friends)
Fields revised
Pig fattening added
Piglets added (can be bought and sold)
Added new help icons (Thanks to RC_Devil for customization to raise Max. number)
Waterholes added to all animals
Round bale bearings added
Hofsilo tipping point revised (tarpaulin changes depending on which fruit is dumped)
Added area for Placeable Objects
Kalkwerk has now received water as another product
small fixes

Hello everybody,
I would like to make you here the current conversion of the TVTOF available. To anticipate, the release on the part of the builder,
Blacksheep Modding, is available. (PICTURE RELEASE) Thanks again at this point.

At first I list the change (hopefully I will not forget half of it)

GMKFC with other textures
128 floor angles
small and large productions (seeds, lime, liquid fertilizers, biodiesel, corn meal, compost, UHT milk, cheese, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, compound feed, pig feed, septic tanks)
purchasable objects to promote long-term motivation
Pets are available (including sheep (ergo now they need straw)
new map hotspots
adjusted selling price (everything a bit more difficult)
more Selling goods
other types of fruit and fill types (oats, rye, mixed cereals, spelled, millet, winter barley, pickle substrate, nitrate, steamed potatoes, compost etc.)
new and further outlets (Sachsenmilch, bakery, diner, Raiffeisen, AgroLife, BioGaz)
Adaptation of building
Hose system
new traffic signs
Speed ​​increased traffic (about 50 km / h)
new waterplane
dynamic sky
Scales gates and moves handles to normal height (Thanks to SanAndreas from HotOnline)
Help icons so fewer questions arise
and what I’ve forgotten so much …

It is mandatory this time to start a new game!
Furthermore, the most recent versions of the Blacky (Blackpanther Group) mods are required for ball bearing functionality.
These include the following mods: Oil Change, AdBlue, extendedFunctions, FuelAdjust etc!
The potatoes for the pig fattening are dumped in the stable on the left at the bays with Ctrl + I.
A small sign gives the hint for the area.

Blacksheep Modding Edit: H4nnib4l22 (Freigabe ist in Bilddatei hinzugefügt)

If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

Finding a game interesting after investing 300 hours into it can become a bit challenging. But with mods as long as there is a new update is assured, you are guaranteed a few more hours of new exciting gameplay. FS 17 Maps Mods are one of the greatest upgrades and can make your game unique. Downloading and adding FS17 THE VALLEY THE OLD FARM PUBLIC V2.0.3.0 Mod to your game is not difficult at all - you simply need to save a file and run it.

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1 Response

  1. soppatoni says:

    Would be really helpful if you provided links for needed mods…

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