FS17 Tazewell County, Illinois

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FS 17 Maps

FS17 Tazewell County, Illinois

This 4X map was built to replicate central Tazewell County as realistically as possible.
Tremont Co-op only accepts corn, soybeans and wheat, as does your home grain bin storage.
Drive safe, the traffic moves fast on these country highways.


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Finding a game interesting after investing 300 hours into it can become a bit challenging. But with mods as long as there is a new update is assured, you are guaranteed a few more hours of new exciting gameplay. FS 17 Maps Mods are one of the greatest upgrades and can make your game unique. Downloading and adding FS17 Tazewell County, Illinois Mod to your game is not difficult at all - you simply need to save a file and run it.

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3 Responses

  1. HrvckRacer29 says:

    This is a very nice map but to be expected from a Beta it has some issues. I hope the map maker has plans to keep up with it and add in stuff/fix known issues.

    Field Dimensions are a bit wacky as if you don’t own neighboring fields you won’t be able to plow/harvest/seed edges of your field owned.
    The farm is super laggy both in SP & MP and is a bit cramped with only 1 storage shed.
    Some of the houses seem to float in the air from distance and rendering distances are a bit wacky as piggies/cows seem to teleport upon driving upon them from distance as is some of the trees/crops.
    Fermenting Silos need some work as the F1 menu doesn’t display anything besides Inout_HS or Output_Hs and no signs indicating what is what.

    That is about all I have came across. I still love the map and been waiting for a map that is local to me. If you need any help with the map I would be willing to help with any of the issues. Farm on Central Illinois!

  2. Dave Kennedy says:

    Agreed – good map (I grew up about 45 minutes south of where the map is set). I downloaded it on the mod hub at the official page.

    I have noticed some sort of invisible block in the pig barn. It prevents me from cleaning up all of the manure – resulting in dirty pigs… not good.

    Hope he gets it fixed! Otherwise great map so far.

    • sunnysidedown says:

      i didnt have a problem with cleaning. seems to work for me. sure its not a mod bucket or tool that may cause it?

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