Dreiseit Hof V 1.0 Building
Hi, so today it is applicable, the farmhouse is ready so far. The architectural style is rock exposure, which is typical of my (Domi’s) home of the Mühlviertel region in Upper Austria.
If someone Intressier, here is a brief description of the construction-style “stone Bloss”
The Court must be fitted with the GE.
The building has no means, this we leave the mappers
The result is the building with the GE, from parts of the forestry framework of Steyr 8090 Forst ^^ I (Domi) had no knowledge modelling_tools (Blender, Maya, ect ..) and thus I made the building in this way.
Kuzre info:
Floors + levels have a Collision
Bottom plate has a Collision
Stepa crane can be installed in the hayloft
Hayloft has a hole to down throw bales
Window frames, door frames at the front doors and steps are made of granite.
The farm is for Hilly or smaller maps designed, such as the torrent valley
Stable for about 30 cows
Joa that’s it, a concrete ramp is iwann still prepared and submitted later, if someone wants to use.
It would be very happy if Mapper would integrate this farm building in their maps, whether fürn LS15 or LS17. Please mention STEYR Modding Team in the CREDITS.
STEYR Modding Team
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.