FS17 Tarn V 2

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FS17 Tarn V 2

Version 2
bekannte Fehler behoben
Texturen teilweise geändert
neue Verkaufsstelle Kneipe “Ampfinger Hof”
Dekoration und Unterstände
Hofsilokapazität auf 3 Millionen gesetzt, Kartoffeln und Zuckerrüben zum Lager hinzu gefügt
Verkehr verlangsamt
Fußgängersplines teilweise verlegt
Das Gras auf den Strassen ist gewollt, lebe selbst inmitten der Stadt Berlin und auch hier gibt es Gras auf den Seitenstraßen, sowohl auf den Straßen, als auch auf den Wegen.
Produktionen der Weberei und der Sojamilch benötigen Diesel zur Produktion, diesen könnt ihr an der normalen Tankstelle einkaufen, oder mit Hilfe der platzierbaren Raffinerie selbst herstellen, nutzt dafür den Tankanhänger des Kotte Universal Packs.

Hello I am Ben,
oh my my life was not easy in the last few years. First I lost my parents at the age of 18 and then I had to wait a whole 2 years for a course in agricultural science. The interim time, I have sold with auxiliary jobs on the surrounding farms here. Now my studies are almost over and I have a secure job too. Actually, everything is great. ……….. until today, today a letter reached me.

A lawyer and notary wrote to me that since 2012 he is looking for the legal heirs of a client. Since it is probably difficult to throw the right one, he now hopes to have found the right person in me. He informed me that I had an uncle. This had probably in Bergsee a community court. All the inhabitants probably worked for or with my uncle to supply the village community. Many villagers have bought back land from the legacy of my uncle, otherwise it would have fallen to large investors. The local companies currently have to buy their raw materials expensive, which they all want to change quickly. Unfortunately, no one is allowed to continue the farm, as long as it is not foreclosed, which the villagers would like to prevent. If I’m the nephew I’m looking for, call him and make an appointment.

Great right? What should I do? The names of my parents fit, my data is correct, but I do not know anything about an uncle, I was always told that there are only my parents and me. I am not afraid of the responsibility to run a farm, but in a place completely unknown to me? Maybe you can help me, should I get in touch and go there, or stay here?

27 fields from 1.13 to 19 ha
Meadows with about 9.5 ha at the farm
Ls 17 standard cultures
large yard with animals, storage and machine parking
living village
gold nuggets
Pig trader, cow dealer and shepherd searat

Bakery, Brewery, Coke, Greenhouses, Barrel Factory, Sawmill, Pallet Factory, Charcoal, Cardboard, Dairy, Pasta, Rum, Whiskey, Seeds, Fertilizer, Soy Milk, Weaving, Sugar Mill, Compost, Biogas

Sale : Edeka, garden center, grain trade, spinning mill, sawmill, straw, manure, grass, manure, biogas

I THANK all mappers and modders, the objects and scripts built on this map for their engagement, without all this gaming experience would not be possible. Especially for this map, I thank FalPos of Marhu, because without his help, I would not have published the map in this version, because all productions did not run in my test and he gave me a long troubleshooting the decisive hint to everything ans to run bring

If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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