Mod Pack Polish Machines for FS15

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FS 15 Packs

Mod Pack Polish Machines for FS15

Ursus 912 żółty i czerwony
Autor: Marcello1942,Spinah
FS 15: pawlo101299
Ursus C330 BETA
Autor: Giants, Marcello1942, Rolnik, Perkins, Bociek
Programowanie: Rockstar94
Skrypt: modelleicher, JoXXer, RivalBomb, Knagsted, Giants, Rockstar94
Ursus C330 Pack
Autor: Autor: Giants,Roller90
FS 15: pawlo101299
Ursus C360
Autor: Model: Marcello1942
Programowanie: Rockstar94
Skrypt: Rockstar94, modelleicher, JoXXer, RivalBomb, Knagsted
Ursus 914
Autor: Marcello1942,Spinah
FS 15: pawlo101299
Ursus 1224 GR Mokrzyn
Autor: Marcello1942,G&M Modding Team,Spinah
In FS15/Edit/Washable:roller90
Ursus 1614 Tur GR Mokrzyn
Autor: Marcello1942,G&M Modding Team,Spinah
Skrypt:Sven777b,Manuel Leithner,Burner,Modelleicher,fozzy691,fruktor,Aranea
In FS15/Edit/Washable:roller90
Zetor 10145
Autor: Marcello1942,Spinah
FS 15: pawlo101299
Zetor 7745
Autor: Agromet,roller90,TomasT150

Bizon Z056/7 Super
Autor: Model: Marcello1942, Asd4, Fumski
Programowanie: Rockstar94
Skrypt: Rockstar94
Edit: DEATHdriver
Bizon Z056 Kabina Pomarańczka
Autor: LS15: Rockstar94 (REC2)
Don 680M
Autor: Shnurok, YegorDvachevsky, ANDREI1994

Autor: Model: Agromet
Konwert & Edit: FSmaniacModTeam
Unia Max
Autor: FS13: Mati7766, Adrian
FS15: DEATHdriver
Unia Kommbi 5.6
Autor: Model: Solanz Tekstura: Guma
Unia Cut L
Autor: FS13: Spinah, Lechu
FS15: DEATHdriver

Sipma Preria 1600
Autor: Model: Robert
Programowanie: Robert/Przemek
Script: Przemek/Fumski
FS 15: Matejko 765
Rotacyjna Z-173
Autor:Model: LOLLL116
Programowanie: Rockstar94
Skrypt: Rockstar94, Grzegorz056, Manuel Leithner, Burner
Autor: Model: Pavson69/ Tekstura i poprawki: Rockstar94
Programowanie: Rockstar94
Skrypt: Rockstar94, Manuel Leithner, Burner

OP 2000
Autor: LSSA modding team, Trololo, GoldenShoes
Widły do bel Metalfach

KTU 10
Autor: LSSA Modding Team, dim-dim, ANDREI199
TMR Sano
Autor: Veter
Agromet H-152
Autor: Model: MichalLS
Programowanie: Adam 334
Skrypt: Fruktor, Adam 334
InGame: Napoleon
Agromet Z223
Autor: Model: Perkins
Ingame: Burner
Script: Burner, Sven777b, sven18koehler, J&B Modding
Pomoc: Svitch, Fallout
Edycja: Marcin10m19, darek789789
Konwert do FS15: Rockstar94
Sipma Z224/1
Autor: Model: Perkins
Ingame: Burner
Script: Burner, Sven777b, sven18koehler, J&B Modding
Pomoc: Svitch, Fallout
Konwert do FS15: Rockstar94
Sipma Z279
Autor: Model: Cytrus
In game: Adri@n
Agromet-Famarol Z211/2
Model: Agromet
Inagme/Script: Burner
Pomoc: Svitch, Maciusboss1
Konwert do FS2015: Rockstar94
Agromet Z234 Taśmówka
Autor: Model: 9michael6
Programowanie: 9michael6
Script: Burner
In FS 15: Romet
Brudzenie Się: 3p

Agrozet 4 skiby
Autor: Csmc-czechoslovakiamodscompany, GixXxeR

Autor: Vanya Martynyuk, 36 region, Blazer

Sipma RN610 Antek
Autor: Model: (?), DEATHdriver
FS15: DEATHdriver

Autor: Mr.Dinamit88
Rolmasz Polonez S078
Autor: FS13: Dziuniek, Pavson69, Lechu
FS15: DEATHdriver

Autor: – Model: Giants, Spinah
– Texti: Giants, Spinah
– Ingame: Lechu&Ziuta
– FS15: Ziuta

Ursus N228
Autor: Ls13: GASEK01
Ls15: G_r_z_e_S

Mod pack przyczep:
Wersja podstawowa **Pawian**
Całkowity edit **Heros**
Autorzy textur czy modeli nie są znani

Fiat 126p FL 650E
Ukrywanie Hudów
Autor: ClodTIF
Przyśpieszanie czasu
Autor: Badtime
Plater Camera
Autor: Heady
Ciemniejsza noc
Autor: – fatman
– FS15-gabrysg18
Zielone zboże na Biomase
Autor: upsideDown
Prasowanie trawy
Autor: derSchreiner
Mod sieczki
Autor: webalizer
Szybkie Chodzenie
Autor: pepefe
Folowing Camera
Autor: Rolnik Hax
Tworzenie pola kultywatorem
Autor: Script- TTV 620
Test – Agrarservice SHS
Animation Map Trigger
Autor: script: Xentro
Bale Counter
Autor: Desperados93
Szubkie kupowanie zwierzat
Autor: Marchu
Manualne Podczepianie
Autor: Skrypt: Burner
Pomoc/testowanie: Maciusboss1
Manualne opdalanie
Autor: Script: Xentro
Hud/Graphics: Niggels
Brak Połysku
Autor: RivalBomb
Autor: Ur-Skript Autopilot: Zartask
LS09 Skript Autopilot: Mr. F
LS11 Skript Autopilot für Mähdrescher: gotchTOM
LS13&LS15 und Umbau Mogli aka biedens
Dzwieki Przyczepy
Autor: Mogli erstellung vom script & LudmillaPower Reifen Sound
charly99 alle anderen Sounds und idee
Heap Tip Trigger
Autor: planet-ls
Zegar v1.1
Autor: Rockstar94
Bale Extesion
Skript: upsidedown
Artwork: Eribus
Autorem mod packu jest polskiegospo

Mody nie sa moje wiec nie rozszcze sobie do nich żadnych praw.

Mod pack jest podzielony na 2 części.
Pobierz 1 part1
Pobierz 2 part2

polskie gospo

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How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.

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Finding a game interesting after investing 300 hours into it can become a bit challenging. But with mods as long as there is a new update is assured, you are guaranteed a few more hours of new exciting gameplay. FS 15 Packs Mods are one of the greatest upgrades and can make your game unique. Downloading and adding Mod Pack Polish Machines for FS15 Mod to your game is not difficult at all - you simply need to save a file and run it.

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