Glance mod V 2.3.5

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Glance mod V 2.3.5

– Possibility of ‘multiple thresholds with color’ for a notification-type.
– X-position of Glance on screen, now possible to set in config-file.
– Possibility to ignore F1-helpbox visibility, by changing a setting in config-file.
– Notification-type for number of animals in Marhu/TMT’s SchweineZucht husbandries.
– Hungarian translations by pokers.

‘Glance’ is an attempt at making a more configurable and less screen occupying ‘notification-and-status utility’, similar to the mods; ‘Inspector’ and ‘LoadStatus’.

The features of ‘Glance’ are:
– By default only visible when the Helpbox is turned off (default key: F1)
– Using columns, which should be easier to read
– Can be dynamically configured …
— … to show only notifications you care about
— … with regards to what font-size and colors you want to use
— … how and which columns should be displayed in sequence
– Will show when a hired-worker has finished
– Displays the vehicle’s location in the world and when within a map designated field-boundary
– Speed of the vehicle, and if it is being blocked by something (like a tree, fence or car)
– Animal husbandry; low productivity, full pallet, eggs available and more…
– Greenhouse placeables; low fill levels.

How to use it
First you must turn off the Helpbox (default key: F1), to be able to see the Glance notifications.

The first time you ever run Glance, it will create a default configuration-file called Glance_Config.XML in the MODS folder.

Due to the modifiable configuration – which maybe for some seem complex and confusing – there will in the support-topic for this mod, later be given instructions and examples on how/what to modify.

The configuration-file will be (re)loaded every time you leave the in-game menu (a.k.a. ESC-menu, ESC-screen.) So it is possible to pause the game, ALT-TAB out of FS15, then edit Glance_Config.XML, ALT-TAB back into FS15 to continue playing and see if the changes for Glance are acceptable.

Switching it on/off
To see notifications from Glance, you have to switch off the Helpbox (default key: F1), and have set a ‘minimum notification level’ that has a lower-or-equal value than the notifications you care about.

To hide Glance, either switch on the Helpbox again, or set the ‘minimum notification level’ to show less (i.e. a value higher than any of the notifications) using the action-key (default: LEFT ALT + L).

If you want to always have Glance visible, disregarding the F1-Helpbox, you need to edit the Glance_Config.XML file, and set the value for ‘ignoreHelpboxVisibility’ to ‘true’. Then also set the ‘positionXY’ value, so Glance won’t overlap the F1-Helpbox.

The action-keys, which can be changed in the Options – Controls screen, are these by which you can in-game instantly set the ‘minimum notification level’:

LEFT ALT + M = Glance:More Notify – i.e. show more notifications, possibly showing everything.
LEFT ALT + L = Glance:Less Notify – i.e. show less notifications, possibly showing nothing at all.

And just to clarify once again:

F1 = Toggle helpbox off to show Glance (if ignoreHelpboxVisibility=”false” in config-file.)


If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

How to install mods
Farming Simulator 15 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 2015 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.

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This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

Finding a game interesting after investing 300 hours into it can become a bit challenging. But with mods as long as there is a new update is assured, you are guaranteed a few more hours of new exciting gameplay. FS 15 Other Mods are one of the greatest upgrades and can make your game unique. Downloading and adding Glance mod V 2.3.5 Mod to your game is not difficult at all - you simply need to save a file and run it.

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