Factory For Fertilizer Feed Diesel V 1.3 for FS 15

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Factory For Fertilizer Feed Diesel V 1.3 for FS 15

For version 1.3 is the UPK 0.9.3 Vorrausgesetzt !!! This can be found here: UPK 0.9.3

Hello, I offer here my little round factory near.
The placement of the “enhancedplace” Mod of Marhu is recommended! Use the “X” button you can switch off and place the factory’s Kolle Sion! For this, the UPK (UniversalProcessKit) is used, both available on Modhoster! For transportation of fertilizer I recommend the Barntner XL Ülw of Rosenthaler! Questions such as eg. “I can not place” or “I can not buy it” are ignored, the if you are too lazy to read this, the can / I do not want to help!

This factory produces its energy, fertilizer, feed, seed and fuel can (Diesel) produce
In the Screenshot’s an image has been added where you can see where the action is to be found!
The possibilities

Product 1:
Produce Fuel -> fuel can be sold or are themselves Uses
Requires rape

Product 2:
Power generation with silage and manure -> Money
Requires silage and manure

Product 3:
Power generation with slurry and manure -> Money and fertilizer
Requires manure and slurry

Product 4:
Producing fertilizer with manure and manure -> Fertilizers and money: fertilizer can be sold at the sale, or you can consume in itself
Requires manure and slurry

Product 5:
Feed production
Requires hay or grass – Silage – Straw

Product 6:
System with water cooling -> Money
Requires water

New Product:
Product 7:
Seed production – Can be Sold or herself Consume
Requires water – wheat or corn – fertilizer

Changes in version 1.2
Diesel price was adjusted, it costs only € 0.009 previously € 1
Manure removal is completely eliminated (it has enough anyway)
Seeds can now put the old manure removal are removed and either be sold to the point of sale you fill your seeder so on!
Changes in version 1.3
Ball shredder for all possible Balen
Map icons for added Golden Abladesymbol for the factory and the tank icon for the point of sale
Seed can now be sold also at the point of sale
The system runs only on 6-20Uhr, except the energy is 24hrs is active
Diesel is now as good as free (€ 0.0009)
Changed from once a minute to Hourly production


Gaints (models)
t2k-lsmodding (thoralf2002, PP);
tech. Objects container by Manuel (LS2011 BGA Baukasten2);
fuelStation LS11 unknown; Silos LS11: unknown; Hedge LS11: unknown; Oil tanks: LS11unbekannt;

How to install mods
In Farming Simulator 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.

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Finding a game interesting after investing 300 hours into it can become a bit challenging. But with mods as long as there is a new update is assured, you are guaranteed a few more hours of new exciting gameplay. FS 15 Objects Mods are one of the greatest upgrades and can make your game unique. Downloading and adding Factory For Fertilizer Feed Diesel V 1.3 for FS 15 Mod to your game is not difficult at all - you simply need to save a file and run it.

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